GOH Health kits

Gift of the Heart health kits — Kelly Horn, Director of Children's Ministries

We were scheduled to host a Vacation Bible School (VBS) with "Everest" as the theme.  Then the earthquakes in Nepal hit and we began to wonder how to use the timing of the disasters in a way that our theme for VBS would provide the blessing of service to people across the globe.

Ultimately, we wanted to do a project that could engage the children as much as possible in seeing the fruits of their labor.  We decided to do a "change the world" project. 

Each morning the children were charged with bringing any and all loose change that they could find around the house, in the car, from their piggy banks, etc.  In our morning full-group gathering we circulated metal buckets for the children to drop their change in, keeping the momentum going from one day to the next. 

At the end of the week, our 100 VBS participants had raised $500 to use to purchase supplies for PDA hygiene kits.  The following Sunday, our church school lessons focused on being "God's hands and feet", culminating with the children assembling 120 hygiene kits to send to those in need around the world, including Nepal, through PDA.

Thank you to Kelly Horn, Director of the Children’s Ministries, and members of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. What a wonderful way to help children develop a heart for serving God by serving others. Our prayer is that through this exercise, the children continue to have a heart for mission, seek additional ways to serve and become faithful disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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