Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
(Romans 12:15, NRSV)


/>Thousands of our fellow Americans are killed each year by guns and other forms of public violence.  As part of the body of Christ, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seeks to promote peace.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to public violence as a disaster and supports mid-councils who request assistance as they reach out to help their communities recover.




TRIGGER: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence

In the United States more than 30,000 people are killed every year by gun violence; many more are wounded. The disaster caused by gun violence is seen in almost every community. We may hear briefly about the victims and survivors of these shootings, but what happens after the media attention moves on and the wider public becomes numb to "just another shooting"?

The Trigger documentary frames gun violence as a “disaster” and “public health” issue.  It examines how one shooting impacts individuals, families and communities and gives voice to the questions and insights that arise.  In the documentary, all those scarred by gun violence arrived at the question, "Why did this happen to us?” After looking at these in depth experiences of gun violence, Trigger turns its attention to the bigger question, "What can we do to prevent gun violence?” 

Watch the video trailer below:

This video was produced in part as a response to the 219th General Assembly (2010) resolution “Gun Violence, Gospel Values: Mobilizing in Response to God’s Call.”  A congregational toolkit on gun violence that includes various resources, including the resource “Heeding God’s Call,” is available for download from the Presbyterian Peacemaking website.

The full film is available to stream, rent or buy on Amazon Prime. The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program created a screening kit and study/action guide, available on the PCUSA Store website.

Tapestry: Reweaving the Fabric of Community After Public Violence

The Tapestry film looks at the effects of public violence events in congregations and the communities of which they are a part. It is framed through the lens of PDA National Response Team members who have responded to public violence events and support those communities of faith and their leaders as they walk through the valley of the shadow of trauma and its aftermath and begin the process of healing. 21 minutes.

Tapestry study guide

Visit the PDA Story Productions page to view and download Tapestry.



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