Host Site Coordinator: Rev. Jim Garrett

Contact: 859-469-320


Presbytery: Presbytery of Transylvania

Click here to volunteer!



Work Partner: Each participating church has a different work partner. Explore the options below and contact the PDA Call Center for more information. 

Disaster: July 2022 Floods

Cost: TBD

About the presbytery: This host site is collectively run by one coordinator and multiple churches. They will begin hosting volunteers in May of 2024. Contact the PDA Call Center for more information! 

About the disaster: Unprecidented flooding occured throughout eastern Kentucky. Sixteen counties were impacted by torrential rains, mudslides, and rising creek water levels. Click here to see a video put out by Presbyterian Mission Agency. 

To learn more about our PDA Host Site or to schedule a time to volunteer, contact the Rev. Jim Garrett at 859-469-320 or

Click here to volunteer!

List of Volunteer Host Sites


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