One Great Hour of Sharing
For more than fifty years, Presbyterians have joined with Christians throughout the nation in responding to Christ's love for all people by joyfully sharing that love with people in need through supporting One Great Hour of Sharing. The hundreds of millions of dollars Presbyterians have given over the last half century have enabled a powerful witness to the love of the One who came that all might have life more abundantly.
Over the years, PDA has received a number of calls for information regarding the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering and has prepared the following questions and answers based on the calls to this office.
How are the funds divided?
One Great Hour of Sharing funds are divided among its three programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self-Development of People (SDOP), and Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP). 32% of the offering goes to SDOP, 32% goes to PDA and 36% goes to PHP.
Can I change the way the offering is divided?
Churches and individuals can change the percentage distribution of the offering between the three programs if they wish. The following are the special Account numbers used for program-designated One Great Hour of Sharing receipts.
OG100000 - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
OG200000 - Self Development of People
OG300000 - Presbyterian Hunger Program
Can I designate our OGHS to a specific disaster?
We ask that you prayerfully think of the OGHS offering as a time when you give in complete faith so that we might respond to ministry opportunities and needs as they unfold in the coming year.
For Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, designated giving is usually only for a specific disaster and we honor all designated giving. A list of active disaster response accounts can be found here. One Great Hour of Sharing funds enable our ongoing work — in training and development, refugee work, and responding to disasters that do not receive the bright lights of television cameras — and make this ministry strong.
Where can I find additional information on OGHS?
Visit the OGHS website to learn more and for resources to help you encourage this vital offering in your congregation.