Initial Response

General PDA Resources

Emotional & Spiritual Care


Human-Caused Disaster

Long-Term Recovery

Migration Accompaniment Ministries


Volunteer Management

Worship Resources



Initial Response

NRT Overview

PDA Services & Resources

PDA Disaster Response Levels

How PDA Funds Are Used

Domestic Grant Descriptions and Guidelines

CWS Disaster Kits/Blanket Online Request Form

God with Us Curriculum

Healing Love of Christ - video

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General PDA Resources

PDA mission statement

PDA 2023 At A Glance

Mosaic: 2023 Year In Review

Writing Agreement-Permission Form

PDA Acronyms & Abbreviations

Partners in Disaster Response

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Emotional & Spiritual Care

ESC Overview

ESC Mission Statement

Emotional and Spiritual Care Offerings

Faith Leader Resilience Support

ESC Ministry of Presence Brochure

Little and Often- Self Care in the Moment

Annotated Bibliography of ESC Resources

On-Line ESC Resources

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Hosting Overview

PDA National Call Center

Setting Up a Host Site

Vol Hosting Overview (video)

PDA Work Trip Planning Guide

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Human-Caused Disaster

Synopsis of HCD Response--Initial Deployment

HCD Resources

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Long-Term Recovery

Long Term Recovery Brochure

LTR Overview

CWS - Disaster Recovery Guide

NVOAD LTR Quick Reference Guide

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Migration Accompaniment Ministries

Refugee Ministry Overview

How Refugees Come to the US

Opportunities to Educate and Resources to Act

"Locked in a Box" Study Guide

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Preparedness Overview

Preparedness for Pandemics

Disaster Preparedness Checklist for Mid Councils

Congregational Disaster Plan Template

Disaster Preparedness Checklist for Families

Safety Resources

Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Response

Hudson River Presbytery Disaster Preparedness

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Volunteer Management

Volunteer Management Overview

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Worship Resources

NRT Guide for Prayer

God with Us- Worship & CE after Disaster

A Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance 

Hymns for Use in Times of Disaster

Litany from Psalm 28

Mighty Wind and Fire hymn

Prayer after a Storm

Sample Post-Disaster Worship Service

Worship References and Hymns

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