Growing Hope Globally
(formerly Food Resource Bank)
Millions of people around the world struggle to provide basic food staples for their families. Many of the regions have been affected by drought, flooding, or other disasters, and in some regions of the world, the situation is critical. One way PDA addresses food crises is through Growing Hope Globally (GHG).
Modeled after the successful Canadian Foodgrains Bank, GHG was established with the commitment that food is a basic right and that God intends for all to have enough to eat.
GHG is focused on farmers and farming communities who set aside acreage to be used for growing projects; when harvested, the crops are sold and the proceeds given to promote programs of hunger relief and sustainable agriculture in countries of need.
In the United States
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is the lead on a project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where PC(USA) partners are working to strengthen local capacity and build resilience. PDA also supports the GHG ministry as it implements other projects around the world.
Photos on this page: Crops harvested in an Illinois growing project photo by Debbie Dennis; women in Democratic Republic of Congo photo by GHG.