woman and child filling school kit bag finished kits  two people filling a hygiene kit

As we learned more and more about the unaccompanied children on the border, we prayed and talked about how we could respond here in Tennessee.  One of the Presbyterian News service articles encouraged us to send Gifts Heart kits - particularly school kits and hygiene kits.  

We set a goal of 20 of each kit or $500.  Within 2 weeks we had received over $1200.  Women in the church sewed the school bags, children and youth packed both the hygiene and school kits and we dedicated all of them in worship on Sept 28, the same day we hosted Ms. Joca Gallegos, International Peacemaker from Mexico.  

In the end we were able to send 50 of each kit and $670 to PDA earmarked for refugee emergencies.  We are grateful to be able to help in some way and pray that our love and care are felt by the children at the border and those who are working with them.  

Thank you to the members of Bethel Presbyterian Church in Kingston, Tennessee, for participating in this ministry which helps bear hope to many people around the world, to Rev. Wendy Neff for the story and photos of church members assembling kits, and to Alfred Rybka for the photo of the finished kits.


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