Holy One, whose desire for all peoples is wholeness, life abundant, and peace:

Hear us as we pray in sorrow for lives lost and communities shattered by earthquakes and aftershocks.

As your servant Elijah fled for his life into the wilderness and found bread for the journey,

may survivors of this disaster find, in the outpouring of their neighbors’ care,
shelter, sustenance and companionship in the midst of horrors.

In the sheer silence that follows

When the cries for help are stilled and
the cameras and the news cycle have moved on to
another tragedy,
Calling us to bear witness
Calling us to remember
Calling us to bring ourselves to

A ministry of prayerful presence and potent generosity.

Let us have an answer when your voice inquires,

What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Let us answer with our prayers
Let us answer with generous gifts
Let us join together, an international community of healing,

To rebuild, to restore, and in time, to rejoice

That in a world that suffers, Light still shines,

And darkness and dust shall not overcome it.

In the name of the Human One we pray, Amen


Prayer written by Laurie A. Kraus, Coordinator, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, following the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal.

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